Different views presented at the ending and the awarding of trophies to jawara Blend Women Pro Futsal League (BWPFL) 2016, Jaya Kencana (JK) Angels in GOR UNY Yogyakarta Sunday (5/6). Clearly, there is a framed photo that was taken by the players JK Angels.
The photo is of the late Ipdegirl the gift of Kholik. Bangkur, greeting a close companion is a former coach of JK's son and daughter. One of the players Fitriya JK AngelsAde Hilda ever tells. ADE said, Bangkur is a very meritorious coach for JK Angels.
"The deceased BK photo frame (Bangkur) meant that we should not forget the services our yg trainer has trained and formed JK Angels. Wherever we compete there will always be Late, "said Ade BK to Futsal Zone, Monday (6/6).
The players numbered 17 backs that claims to be so grateful to the late BK. He was particularly grateful for the deceased BK success and has been raising him now could play in the League of professional women and futsal carries JK Angels earned a BWPFL.
"Wherever we compete there will always be the deceased the deceased BK To BK. thank you for all the patience, sincerity, honesty, sincerity, and the science that's beengiven to JK Angels. Without Forsberg, especially JK is not necessarily the Angels get to this level, "the lid.
Three retainer Vamos FC Mataram had to "swallow the bitter pill". How not, twice entered the final Pro Futsal League (PFL), twice they suffered defeat.
The final Blend Professional Futsal 2016 which berlangsug in UNY GOR YogyakartaSunday (5/6), was the second final for Sunny Rizky, Damas Kurniawan, and Ilham Ramadhyan. The trio strengthened the Pinky Boys Makassar when final Futsal Super League (FSL) 2015.
Read also: https://www.OMAHCATERINGJOGJA.com/
Read also: https://www.OMAHCATERINGJOGJA.com/
At that time, Pinky Boys subject of domination of the IPC Pelindo II. And this time, the defeat of 3-5 from Blacksteel Manokwari through penalty shootout, dramatics makes Sunny, Damas, and Inspiration back bite the fingers.
Sunny gave one assists in the final yesterday indicates that Vamos, both teams and individuals are already trying. But it turns out that the results of the more favors to Blacksteel.
"Yes I've been working hard and has already issued all the ability in the final match.Next I have to try harder again when exercise to be better for the League next year, "said players numbered 16, back after the match.
Further, the thunderous Depok is unwilling to go on with disappointment and has made a personal target, either for short or long term. "Short term Targets defended his title in UiTM (Malaysia) with scandal Perbanas and got gold medals in PONJabar. For the long term, the champion League next year, "close Sunny.